
The Markdown presentation framework.

Getting started

  1. Init with unveil init
  2. Build with unveil build
  3. Serve with unveil serve
  4. Add more slides with unveil add {slide_name}

Display your code

fn main() { println!("hello rustaceans 🦀!"); }

Unveil display your code with highlight.js. If you want some custom flavor can easily tweak hilight.css.

You can also run your rust snippet thanks to The Rust Playground.

Slide ordering

To reorder your slides change their order in unveil.toml at the root of your project.

name = "unveil demo"
language = "EN"
slides = [
    "landing.md", # first slide
    "slide.md", # second slide
    "slide-ordering.md", # and so on ... 

Easy styling with sass stylematters

Change your slides style with the stylematter block.

This is the actual code of this page :

background-color: #4c566a;
color: #eceff4;  

h1 {
    color: #8fbcbb;

# Easy styling with sass

Change your slides style with the stylematters block.

This is the actual code of this page : 

Transition animations

Unveil comes with a set of custom CSS properties.

For example you can add a transition to your slide by adding the following to the stylematter :

--on-enter-animation: zoom-in

# I will Zoom in on enter !

Refer to unveil's README to get the full list of available transitions.

Markdown extension

Unveil add a single feature to the markdown spec. You can add a class to a markdown element with the [class=\"my-class\"] attribute.

Example :

[[class=\"fab fa-github fa-2x\"]](https://github.com/oknozor/unveil-rs)

This line (with no escaping on double quotes) would produce the following link : .

You can combine this with stylematter to change edit a slide styling.


Unveil is at a very early stage and all contribution are welcome. If you want to help please visit us on and pick and issue or contact me on twitter.