Instead of having all your configs defined in a single toml file, you can split it into multiple file:
dotfiles_dir = "dotfiles"
gpg_user_id = ""
import = [
{ path = "wm/sway/sway.toml" },
{ path = "wm/leftwm/leftwm.toml" },
{ path = "wm/i3/i3.toml" },
{ path = "bars/bars.toml" },
{ path = "launchers/launchers.toml" },
vars = [ "vars.toml"]
alacritty = { source = "terminals/alacritty", target = ".config/alacritty" }
zsh = { source = "zsh/zshrc", target = ".zshrc" }
starship = { source = "zsh/starship.toml", target = ".config/starship.toml" }
gitconfig = { source = "git/gitconfig", target = ".gitconfig" }
nvim = { source = "editors/neovim", target = ".config/nvim" }
Additional config will be merged with bombadil.toml
# ~/dotfiles/i3/i3.toml
posthooks = ["i3-msg reload"]
i3 = { source = "i3/wm", target = ".config/i3" }
polybar = { source = "i3/polybar", target = ".config/polybar" }
rofi = { source = "i3/rofi", target = ".config/rofi" }