How to Contribute

Contribute to Toml Bombadil

How can I help

Toml-bombadil is a small project but there is always something to be done, if you wish to contribute there are several ways you can help us :

Finding bugs

Found a bug in Toml Bombadil ? Let us know by opening an issue.

Writing blogposts

You just migrated your dotfiles to Toml Bombadil and want to share the experience ? Let us know, so we can reference your article.

Working on existing issues

Toml Bombadil new features are grouped in a milestone for the next version. You might want to look at this first to get a grasp of want is currently going on.
If you want to work on an issue, let us know by tagging @oknozor on the comment section. We will be happy to provide guidance and respond to your questions. You might want to pick a tagged good first issue

Write bats tests

If you have spotted a bug, a great way to help us improve toml bombadil is to write a bats test to reproduce it, see HOWTO for more info.

Suggesting new features

You have an idea for a new feature ? You are welcome to open a feature request on the issue board.

Submit a pull request

Toml bombadil respect the following coding standard for any code addition to the main branch :

  • We use clippy to spot lints.
  • We enforce code formatting with rustfmt.
  • We write test (Code coverage must never decrease when merging to the main branch).
  • Commit shall respect the conventional commit specification

You have picked an issue and started to work on your fork. Time to make a pull request ! If your issue is referenced in the next version milestone, you are expected to submit a pull request to the corresponding version branch (following semver format and prefixed by "v", ex : "v2.0.0-rc"). If your issue is a bug fix you can submit your PR to main directly and increase the minor version.