Profile variables

In addition to dotfiles overriding, Bombadil profiles supports variable overrides.

Create a dotfile template

Let's assume you have the following in your .bashrc dotfile:

# ~/bombadil-example/bashrc
export JAVA_HOME={{java_home}}
# ...

And your default profiles variable look like this:

# ~/bombadil-example/vars.toml
java_home = "/etc/java-openjdk"
# ...

Here is our bombadil config:

dotfile_dir = "bombadil-example"

vars = [ "vars.toml" ]

bashrc = { source = "bashrc", target = ".bashrc"}

So far we have defined a variable for $JAVA_HOME and we are using it once. Not very useful.

Override default variable

Now that we have declared some variables in the default profile, we can override it using a new profile:

dotfile_dir = "bombadil-example"

vars = [ "vars.toml" ]

bashrc = { source = "bashrc", target = ".bashrc"}

vars = [ "java10-vars.toml" ]

The profile variable file will be loaded after the default one and any matching variable name will override the default:

java_home = "/etc/java10-openjdk"
# ...

Running bombadil link -p corporate would now produce the following .bashrc :

export JAVA_HOME=/etc/java10-openjdk

This concludes the chapter on profiles and themes, in the next chapter we will talk about hooks.