Dot overrides

As we saw on the previous chapter Bombadil's profile can be used to link new dot files, in this chapter we will see how to alter existing dotfile entries.

Dot entry override

Let's say you are using maven for several java projects, some of them are open source, and some of them uses a corporate repository. Maven config typically resides in $HOME/.m2/settings.xml. The problem here is that we want to use a different config depending on the project we are working on.

To solve this we will define the following dotfiles :

├── bombadil.toml
└── maven
    ├── settings.corporate.xml
    └── settings.xml


Bombadil's config contains a single dot entry with the alternate profile corporate :

# bombadil.toml
dotfile_dir = "bombadil-example"

maven = { source = "maven/settings.xml", target = ".m2/settings.xml"}

maven = { source = "maven/settings.corporate.xml" }

Notice on the corporate profile we are redefining the maven dot entry and only specifying the source attribute.


Linking the default profile with bombadil link, will produce the following link :

bombadil link
"/home/okno/dotfiles/.dots/maven/settings.xml" => "/home/okno/.m2/settings.xml"

Linking with the corporate profile will use the alternate source for .m2/settings.xml :

bombadil link -p corporate
"/home/okno/dotfiles/.dots/maven/settings.corporate.xml" => "/home/okno/.m2/settings.xml"

When overriding a default dot entry under a new profile, source and target property are optional. The default profile value will be used if not specified.

As we saw in the previous chapter, you can also define a new dot entry in which case source and target are required.

In the next chapter we will see how to override variables with profiles.