
Manage Bombadil profiles

Profile configuration

As we saw Bombadil allows to define a default profile. For some programs you might want to set an alternate configuration.

Bombadil allow you two do this in several ways :

  • override dot entries source and/or target value.
  • add new dot entries.
  • add or overriding variables.
  • add hooks to the profile.

Before going further, let's take a look at a real life example. In the following config, we have defined some post-install hooks and dot entries for two profiles : sway and i3.

dotfiles_dir = "dotfiles"

# Dots linked with the default profiles, alacritty will always be linked
alacritty = { source = "alacritty", target = ".config/alacritty" }

# Sway profile hook : running `bombadil link -p sway` will exectute `sway reload`
posthooks = ["sway reload"]

# Sway profile dot entries
sway = { source = "sway/wm", target = ".config/sway" }
wofi = { source = "sway/wofi", target = ".config/wofi" }

# i3 profile hook : running `bombadil link -p i3` will exectute `i3-msg reload`
posthooks = ["i3-msg reload"]

# i3 profile dot entries
i3 =  { source = "i3/wm", target = ".config/i3" }
polybar =  { source = "i3/rofi", target = ".config/rofi" }

List profiles

To list available profiles you can run bombadil link --help :

❯ bombadil link --help
Symlink a copy of your dotfiles and inject variables according to bombadil.toml config

    bombadil link

    -h, --help                      Prints help information
    -p, --profiles <profiles>...    A list of comma separated profiles to activate [possible values: sway, i3]

Alternatively the bombadil get profiles produce a one profiles per line output, suited for shell scripting :

❯ bombadil get profiles

Combine profiles

If you manage many profiles, linking a specific combination can be tedious. Assuming you have a i3, corporate, solarized-theme profiles you want to link together you would have to type the following command each time you want to link your dotfiles :

❯ bombadil link -p i3 corporate solarized-theme

To avoid this you can define a combined profile like so :

extra_profiles = ["i3", "corporate", "solarized-theme"]

Then you will just need to run the following :

❯ bombadil link -p workstation

Switch profile

We can switch profile by running the following :

  • Link the default profile (alacritty dot only) : bombadil link.
  • Link the default and sway config bombadil link -p sway.
  • Link the default and i3 config bombadil link -p i3.

This allows us to define per profile dot entries. In the next chapter we will see how to alter dot entries existing in the default profile.